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Answer Question


Based on the provided context, there is no direct answer to the question "What is the meaning of life?" Tony Robbins does not explicitly discuss the meaning of life in any of the provided links. However, he does touch on related topics such as finding fulfillment, focusing on what's empowering and meaningful, and living in a beautiful state.

In the video "Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline," Tony Robbins encourages people to remember that life is meant to be lived and not to get too caught up in drama or challenges. In "In Honor of Ken Blanchard's 75th Birthday: Ken Blanchard on a Safari," he talks about becoming the master of meaning and finding empowering meaning in whatever life brings. In "Why We Do What We Do | TED Talks | Tony Robbins," he discusses the art of fulfillment and how it is rarely mastered. He also mentions that there are two master lessons in life, one being the science of achievement and the other being the art of fulfillment.

While Tony Robbins does not provide a direct answer to the question, his teachings suggest that the meaning of life may be found in achieving fulfillment and focusing on what is empowering and meaningful.


Based on the provided context, there is no clear answer to whether it is possible to forgive cheating in a relationship. However, there are several discussions about relationships, forgiveness, and infidelity that may provide some insights into the topic.

Esther Perel, a psychotherapist and relationship expert, has talked extensively about infidelity and its impact on relationships in several episodes of The Tim Ferriss Show. In one episode, she discusses how people often blame themselves for being cheated on and how it takes courage to bring one's authentic self into a relationship. She also talks about the importance of forgiveness, acceptance, explanation, seeing, and hearing in relationships. In another episode, she discusses how infidelity happens in polyamorous couples too and how our culture thinks about infidelity differently for men and women.

In another episode, Jason Portnoy talks about how making mistakes in a committed relationship does not have to mean the end of the relationship. He hopes that his story of overcoming porn addiction can inspire couples to get more honest with each other and hold space for each other to not be perfect.

Elizabeth Lesser talks about how forgiveness requires the ability to begin again in the present. She also talks about how bringing one's authentic self into a relationship takes training and help.

Overall, while forgiveness is discussed in the context of relationships and infidelity, there is no clear answer to whether it is possible to forgive cheating in a relationship. It may depend on the individuals involved and the circumstances surrounding the cheating.

  1. Stand up straight with your shoulders back
  2. Treat yourself like someone responsible for helping
  3. Imagine who you could be and then aim single-mindedly at that
  4. Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated
  5. Do not do what you hate
  6. Abandon ideology
  7. Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens
  8. Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient
  9. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
  10. Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationship
  11. Be grateful in spite of your suffering
  12. Do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant.

These 10 rules were drawn from Jordan B. Peterson's books and lectures, including "12 Rules for Life" and "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life." They cover a range of topics, from personal responsibility to relationships to finding meaning in life. Peterson emphasizes the importance of taking action and working hard to achieve one's goals, while also recognizing the value of gratitude and avoiding negative emotions like resentment and deceitfulness.

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