You are not going to have to watch another video on licking your syndrome after this
You are getting your dream knife in 2023
I want to make sure of it
You will walk away today knowing all of the techniques you need to use, exactly how to do it, the rules when it comes to lucky your syndrome and making sure it actually works
My success stories and how it's actually worked for me
And right at the end, I'll even give you examples of lucky girl syndrome affirmations
Just a quick note, I've been on the radio twice just to speak about licking your syndrome
And I was even on the news to speak about licking your syndrome
So trust me, I know what I'm talking about
Let's get into it
Lucky Gill syndrome is just manifestation repackage
So lucky
Your syndrome is all about reprogramming your mindset into thinking, I am good enough, I am smart enough, I am capable enough, and I am worthy of all of my desires
Our thoughts, our perceptions are in a dialogue
Becomes our reality
It creates it, and it's true
Okay, the best thing that Kanya West has ever said is, if you believe you can't do anything, you won't do anything
I always felt like I could do anything
That's the main thing
People are controlled by thoughts, their perception of themselves
They're slowed down by their perception of themselves
If you're taught you can't do anything, you won't do anything
I was taught I could do everything
If you believe you have to go through obstacles to get what you want in life
And that is going to be really hard and a whole battle
It will be lucky
Your syndrome manifestation is believing you have an abundance of good luck
So if you genuinely believe that you have loads of good luck, then your golden
Because that thought will then create your reality
On the other hand, if you allow self doubt to get the best of you, and you engage with your inner critic and you hold yourself back from opportunities because you don't think you're ready for them yet
Or you're not smart enough for them yet
You don't have enough money, beauty, intelligence, whatever
Then you simply won't get those opportunities
So why is this
Let me break it down and give you 2 scenarios to really help you understand and ingrain this concept in your brain
Lola thinks everyone should just shut up and do the hard work because lucky your syndrome isn't practical
So when life goes sideways, which is normal, and things don't work out, Lola blames it on external things
She blames it on the government, other people, her boss, her childhood, etc
She feels unlucky in these situations when things don't go her way
This then decreases her confidence
So because Lola isn't actively affirming that her dreams are possible, just from her believing in them, she is then stuck in the reality trap
Her whole mindset is hard work equals results and that is it
This is a limited mindset and it will hold her back in life
And this limited mindset will then decrease her confidence
And due to this lower confidence, she is then less likely to go after the bigger things in life, the bigger opportunities
For example, because she is stuck in the reality trap and she cannot see past her own circumstances, she doesn't believe that being a millionaire is possible for her
So instead she just strives for a few thousand
Because that's all she's striving for
That's all she's gonna get
So what do we see her with Lola
Because her mindset is limited and she's stuck in the reality trap, her actions will then follow suit, which then leads to the limited results she finds in life
When you don't believe everything is easy, it won't be easy
You'll be less inclined to chase your wildest dreams in life
Therefore, you'll never get those dreams, because you're not even on the journey to go get them
So that's Lola's situation over here
Let's go over to Athena
Athena practices Lucky Gil syndrome every day
Now, she's not a manifestation expert
She's just trying to have a positive mindset and go after her goals without questioning if it's actually realistic or possible for her, she's just gonna go do it and hope for the best
Because she's using this approach to go and get her goals, her self doubt is now decreased
And because she's decided to practice like a Yor syndrome every day, now she thinks, I have really good luck
And because of that, now she has higher confidence in her success rate in achieving her goals
Therefore, she's now more inclined to chase the opportunities that don't make that much sense right now
Maybe she's applying to modeling photoshoots even though she doesn't have any experience and she's not signed to an agency
But if she had Lola's mindset, she wouldn't have even thought to try out that opportunity in the first place
Her chances of now actually being a model are 100 higher than Lola's
So see how it works
Hard work
Of course it has a part to play, but the mindset you use to accompany that hard work has just an important part to play as well
Also, why did I pick these names
Lola is a name that literally means sorrow, and Athena is a name that means goddess of wisdom
Be more like Athena
And to conclude on the definition chapter of lucky girl syndrome
Some people will say that this concept is toxic positivity and it's not realistic, but all it actually is is an empowering practice where you genuinely believe that you're capable of achieving your dreams
Why would you want to live any other way
So many people are held back in life due to their self perception
Lucky girl syndrome is making sure that you have the highest, most positive self perception so you are not self sabotaging how far you can go in life
Okay, Tom, I'm getting it
I know what look at your syndrome and manifestation is
But does it actually work
Like, has it worked for you
What are your success stories
That little modelling story I told about Athena
Yeah, that happened to me
I have always wanted to try out modelling
I've never even applied to an agency
But I was just posting pictures on Instagram
And I have worked with actual fashion brands and been paid to model for them
I have worked with photographers
I've been photographed in a studio like an actual model
I am a content creator, which means majority of the work I do is freelance
There's no stability whatsoever and I kind of have to rely on brands to reach out to me
Which means I can go months making £0 with no brand collab deals even when my following was small I think I only had 10000 followers on Instagram I got a collaboration deal from Ube eat one of the biggest companies in the world I was a microinfluencer
I'd probably only done 2 or 3 collab deals at that point
I was at the start of my content creation career
I didn't do anything
I didn't reach out to them
I wasn't even following them on Instagram
I don't think they found me
They scouted me, they hired me, and they paid me
Because even though things hadn't worked out for me so far, I was still staying consistent with the consecration
I was still putting myself out there because I genuinely believed things were gonna work out for me
If I let myself doubt get the best of me, maybe I wouldn't post as much
Maybe my post wouldn't have come in front of them
For them to find me and hire me in 2022
I created an entire mindmap of my goals for the year
Majority of them came true
Things like traveling, things like graduating with 1/1 class degree, the exact amount of money I wanted to have saved in my bank account, I achieved
The list goes on
The craziest manifestation success story that I've had actually happened like 2 weeks ago
So the biggest problem I've been experiencing in my life recently is I just move back to my hometown
It's hella small, and I really have this urge to be around more like minded people, to network with other creatives, people who are freelancing or content creators or models or entrepreneurs, etc
But there's not really anybody in my area who's like that
So I was really struggling, and I was thinking, how am I gonna make friends
I like this
Anyways, one day I found this girl on TikTok
She's a very successful entrepreneur
I loved her content instantly
When I saw her, I knew
I just, like, had this feeling that we'd get along and that we'd alive
Later on that night, I was on the phone to my friend, and I was telling them about this girl
And I was like, I just have a feeling me and this girl are gonna meet
Like, we are gonna be friends
A couple of days later, this girl reached out to me to say, let's meet, let's do something
Let's go out for lunch
One week after that, we were then having lunch
Another week after that, we were going up for a second lunch
And now we're actually friends
How did it start
I was on the phone to my friend, and I said, I want to be friends with this girl
I don't know how it's gonna happen
She doesn't live in my city
We've never spoken before
I just believe it's gonna happen, and I really want that to happen for me
I didn't do anything
That friendship came flying at my face
And now the problem I had about not being friends with like minded people and other creatives has been solved through manifestation
To finish this off, I've gone through periods in my life where I've been stuck in a state of lack, where I think nothing's working out for me
Oh my God
I've not been making a lot of money recently, but if I don't
What if this fails
Constantly questioning what if and how and but is the quickest way to kill any of your potential manifestations
Do not do it
Okay, I believe you
I'm gonna start using a heel syndrome to manifest one of my wild streams
How do I do it
I got you
So there are 4 techniques which I believe are the most effective
Now I do a combination of all 4
You don't have to, but for this section of the video, I'm just gonna give you a quick explanation of how I combine all of these 4 practices
And then at the end, you'll have a full understanding of what these 4 practices are, which one you'll choose, or if you want to copy me and do the same combination
So this is exactly how I manifest one
I write a list of my goals in my phone, in my notes app
There are no limitations to what I write, so I can dream as big as I want
This expands my horizons, and that in itself already allows me more opportunities because I'm not being restrictive
So that's essentially goal setting with a positive and abundance mindset
I look at this list of goals, I find relevant images to each and every goal, print them out, and create a vision board
This is my vision board
It's directly in front of my bed first thing every morning
This is the first thing I see every single day
I have to sit at this board for one minute
That's because when you do have a vision board, it's actually very easy to just walk past it, forget it's there, and never look at it
Don't let it be you
So when I'm staring at my vision board for one minute every single day, I'm soaking up all of these images of my dream lifestyle
And while I'm doing this, I'm reminding myself of the amazing life that I'm working towards every single day
And most importantly, when I'm staring at these images every single day for a minute, I'm envisioning each and every image, each and every goal, coming into my life, into my reality, and putting myself into that picture
This then links into technique number 3, which is visualization
This is the most powerful and popular manifestation technique ever
This has been around for a while, and like I said, is basically when you, like, you can literally do this before you fall asleep every night
You're on your pillow, okay, you're about to go to sleep, and you just close your eyes and imagine yourself living out your dream life
That in itself is an amazing manifestation technique
And lastly, technique number 4 are affirmations
You can say these first thing every morning, but in my routine, I journal affirmations every single night
I basically use scripting, which is another form of affirmations
And manifesting
So when I'm journeying every evening, I write a few bullet points of what I'm currently manifesting, and then I turn this into an affirmation script
So, for example, the goals I'm currently manifesting might be double my income, work with my dream brand, heel over a breakup
I don't know
Those are just examples
We're now gonna turn that into a manifestation script with affirmations
So what you're gonna keep writing over in your journal in your script is gonna read, I am a successful content creator who is abundant in her collab deals
They flow into my email inbox every day
I am spoiled for choice for the amount of brands I get to work with
I have now worked with every single brand I could have dreamt Tar
I worked with ASOS, Pretty Little Thing, Ted Baker, Fenty Beauty, etc
And write it like that, you have to write it in the present tense, and you have to put yourself in that situation
Another example
I have healed from my breakup
I am the happiest I've ever been
I can't even remember my ex's name
You get the gist
There are 2 very important rules when it comes to lucky girl syndrome and making sure that it works in your life
Let's go through it
Number one, you must stay detached or it's not gonna work
You can manifest as hard as you want
It's not gonna work if you're not detached from the outcome
A really good example of this is, like I said before, I manifested every single one of my 2022 goals
So I made this my map
And fun fact, I actually forgot about the mind map
Like, I didn't look at it again
I found it again in December 2022
I read through it, and I was like, oh, my god
All of these things happened like I accidentally manifested
But it wasn't an accident
That's just how manifestation worked
Because I wasn't obsessing over the goals on that list
They weren't in the back of my mind constantly
And I was thinking, okay, how am I gonna make this happen
I need to do this now
What if this doesn't work out
Okay, but what about the logistics of this
I just forgot about it
I was detached
I was so focused on working and living my best life every day and just believing, somehow, someway, it's gonna work
I am not gonna question it, because the universe has got me
I am protected
It's gonna do the work for me
That then allowed the manifestations to come true
On the other hand, if I were stressing about how realistic it is and how it's actually gonna work, then it wouldn't work
And this is because any negative thoughts that you put out, once again, also create your reality
And then rule number 2 when it comes to Loki girl syndrome, is practice gratitude
You need to put out what you want to receive
Be grateful for the things you already have, no matter how big or small
And while you're practicing this gratitude, also remember more is on its way
When you sit in such a high amount of gratitude for the life you have, the friends you have, the opportunities that have already come into your life, how you've got into where you are, this just increases your motivation to go and get more
But it also increases your confidence to be able to manifest more, because you're like, well, I already got this, as in this, and I'm currently living what my 15 year old self would have dreamed of, so of course I can go and get more for my future self
Whereas if you're in a state of black like Lola, you're not gonna believe anything is possible
Why would you manifest
Because you're constantly like, my life is so rubbish and I get what I want
All of these other people are so lucky, and nothing ever works out for me
How are you ever going to achieve your dreams when you think like that
When you're operating at a frequency of having high gratitude, more things will just flow into your life
That is just the law of attraction
And finally, let's finish off this video with some lucky girl syndrome affirmations that you can start using today
I'm gonna send you off on your manifestation journey to get your dream life prepared
Girl, just a quick reminder, the essence of this is to have an abundance mindset
You can make up any affirmation you want
Any sentence that works for you is fine as long as it follows the rule of abundance, of ease of good luck
So some of my favorite affirmation examples that I use include everything I want is already on its way to me
The universe is rigged in my favour
I am a money magnet
My goals are easily achievable
Everything is constantly working out in my favor
My dream life is already on its way to me
The universe is protecting me and looking out for me
I am loved and appreciated
I am the luckiest girl on the planet
And the list goes on
But the rule with this is you have to genuinely believe it if you are saying these things to yourself
And also thinking, this is so crazy, it's not gonna work, because your negative energy is going to disrupt that manifestation
And that brings us to the end of this video
I hope you guys enjoyed it and Learned everything you needed to know about lucky girl syndrome
If you liked this content, then feel free to go and follow me on TikTok
I have an entire playlist on my profile to do with manifestation techniques
And you can go and check out my Instagram, because I'm active on my stories every single day, so you can just see my daily life and my adventures
And whenever I manifest a new opportunity, I'm always posting it on my story
And lastly, it is the month of love, which means I'm going to be posting a bunch of Valentine's Day content this month, so subscribe and stay tuned
Like this video if you found it helpful, and I'll see you in the next one