Service information




Guru is an AI-powered chatbot available as an extension on WhatsApp. It can answer any question and provide personalized advice and support. With natural language processing, Guru offers human-like conversations on various topics. Free and paid plans are available.



Answer Question


-tell me the basics of christianity

-Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Its core beliefs include the belief in God as the one true creator, the belief in Jesus as the divine son of God, and the belief in salvation through Jesus' death and resurrection. Christianity also has many other beliefs and practices, such as the belief in the Bible as the inspired word of God, the observance of the seven sacraments, and the practice of prayer and worship.


-what is the most widespread religion in the world?

-The most widespread religion in the world is Christianity, with over 2.3 billion adherents. Islam is the second most widespread religion, with 1.8 billion followers.


-could you tell me if drinking coffee in the morning is good for me?

-There is a lot of debate about the health benefits of drinking coffee in the morning. Some studies have shown that it can boost energy and alertness, while others suggest that it can lead to increased anxiety and disrupt sleep. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide if drinking coffee in the morning is right for you.


  • Guru understands context in conversations.
  • Your chats with Guru are secure and confidential.
  • Guru can handle follow-up questions.
  • The service has a flat pricing policy.
  • Guru is available 24/7.

Perfect for

  • General users who need information can use Guru.
  • People seeking advice and support may find Guru helpful.
  • Creative individuals can use Guru to generate ideas.
  • Science and technology enthusiasts can get information from Guru.
  • Those seeking general knowledge can use Guru as a personal encyclopedia.
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