Service information







Image OCR, also known as i2OCR, is a free online service that uses optical character recognition (OCR) to extract text from images and scanned documents. With over 100 recognition languages and multi-column document analysis, it allows for easy editing, formatting, indexing, searching, and translation. However, users may encounter captchas. The website receives around 200,000 monthly visitors.



Optical Character Recognition (OCR)


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding.

‘Chocolate Lollipop apple pie tootsie roll marshmallow powder dragée cookie gingerbread. Sweet
roll donut muffin jelly beans jujubes gingerbread. Bonbon cheesecake bear claw toffee halvah,
‘Soufflé cotton candy jelly-o tootsie roll pie donut sugar plum. Croissant cupcake gingerbread
topping candy chocolate tiramisu oat cake pudding. Sweet roll tart danish dragée macaroon
chocolate cake bear claw cupcake pastry. Donut donut shortbread fruitcake caramels croissant
chocolate cake. Chupa chups sesame snaps candy canes chocolate cake powder. Liquorice carrot
‘cake jujubes cupcake muffin lollipop dessert macaroon sweet. Lollipop toffee apple pie topping
powder. Cheesecake chocolate bar marshmallow sugar plum tiramisu gummi bears tiramisu jelly
sesame snaps.

Cake marshmallow pastry sesame snaps croissant.
‘Brownie lemon drops liquorice tart powder lemon drops jujubes muffin tart. Bear claw sesame
snaps tiramisu cake gingerbread jelly candy canes donut. Lemon drops liquorice carotcake pie oat
cake bonbon, Dragée candy candy canes sweet rll oat cake sweet chocolate cake tart candy.
Chocolate bar topping cake tootsie roll muffin gummies icing. Apple pie biscuit bear claw lemon
drops muffin tart halvah ice cream bear cla. Powder sweet cotton candy cotton candy gummi bears
danish halveh dessert tootsie rol. Tootsie roll topping carrot cake sweet chocolate gingerbread.
Biscuit biscuit elly- candy canes chocolate bar wafer macaroon donut candy canes. Chupa chups
candy canes tootsie roll apple pie wafer shortbread sugar plum carrot cake, Toffee tiramisu biscuit
cotton candy gummies gummies. Cheesecake toffe jujubes cotton candy candy shortbread dragée
sesame snaps oat cake.

Gingerbread pastry carrot cake icing ice cream.
‘Sesame snaps ice cream bonbon drag biscuit tart poder sweet rol. Candy canes sweet donut
cotton candy candy poviderhalvah shortbread biscuit. Cupcake crotssant lemon drops cake
shortbread. Tart jelly beans cheesecake biscuit fruitcake sweet roll chupa chups gummi bears candy.
(Chupa chups toffee jelly beans carot cake biscuit donut danish, Cheesecake lollipop chocolate cake
dragée caramels cookie. Chocolate chocolate cotton candy marshmallow cake shortbread. Sugar
plum jujubes bonbon donut tiramisu tart cheesecake sugar plum cookie. Liquorice bear claw cake
chocolate brownie biscuit, Icing tootsie rll candy canes donut tootsie rol. Oat cake candy canes
‘marzipan sesame snaps donut jelly chupa chups. Gummies donut sweet roll lollipop gummies
tiramisu gummi bears.



  • The service uses OCR technology to extract text from images and scanned documents.
  • It allows unlimited uploads of images and scanned documents.
  • You don't need to register to use the service.
  • It can analyze multi-column documents.
  • The service supports 100 recognition languages.

Perfect for

  • Individuals can use the service for personal needs.
  • Researchers might find the service useful for their work.
  • Students can use the service for their studies.
  • Businesses can use the service for data entry and document management.
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