Learn JavaScript Faster with Chat GPT
Chat GPT is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and it can help you learn to code faster.
You can use it to help with background research, editing videos, and even summarize essays.
It can also tell jokes like Jerry Seinfeld.
When you're learning from a course or book, you can ask it questions to help you understand concepts better.
For example, ask it to explain how scope works in JavaScript.
Sign up for a free account to follow along and give commands at chat.open.ai.
Understanding Scope and Reading Code in JavaScript
Global scope in JavaScript means that variables declared outside of any function can be accessed by any code in the program.
Scoping in JavaScript is like a set of rules that tell the computer where to find a variable or function, similar to a school where different classrooms have different rules.
Global scope is like a classroom where all the students can access all the materials.
Chat GPT can help to explain what is going on in code when it is difficult to understand.
An example of code which can be difficult to understand is a function to calculate grades when an array is passed into it.
Utilizing Chachi GPT for Coding Projects
Chachi GPT can be used to generate coding project ideas, from simple to capstone projects.
It can provide a list of 10 projects and a brief description for each.
Chachi GPT can also provide feedback on code written by a new programmer.
Building a To-Do App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Start by creating an HTML document with the necessary tags (head, body, etc).
Use CSS to style the HTML elements.
Create a JavaScript file and link it to the HTML document.
Use JavaScript to create the logic of the to-do app. This includes functions to create the to-do list, add items to the list, remove items from the list, and mark items as completed.
Use the "let" keyword to limit the scope of the variables.
Test the functionality of the to-do app.
Refactor the code to make it more readable.
Debugging Code with Chat GPT
Debugging code with Chat GPT can be a powerful tool for new developers.
When stuck on a problem, ask Chat GPT “Why isn’t my code working?”
In JavaScript, use two equal signs (==) for comparison, not one (=) which is an assignment operator.
If a code should produce a specific outcome but doesn’t, check for mistakes in comparison operators.
Overcoming Development Challenges and Landing Your First Job
Getting stuck while coding can be beneficial to your learning process, so take the time to troubleshoot your code.
Chatting GPT should be reserved for times when you have been working on something for hours and have exhausted all options.
If you need assistance in landing your first job, a mastermind program may be of help.
It will involve an assessment call with the mastermind to determine if mentorship is a good fit.
Link to the program is provided in the description below.