Technology is transforming the financial services industry, and credit unions are embracing the changes. In a recent survey by Alkami Technology, 41% of the survey group – 152 executives of financial institutions – said they are prioritizing digital transformation to optimize their processes and operations. Many also see technology as the way to gain a competitive edge and spur growth. However, they acknowledge that there’s plenty of room for improvement: The average respondent ranked their position in the digital transformation journey as 58 out of 100.
State-of-the-art digital tools are essential in the current marketplace. Competitors from outside the traditional financial sector are challenging credit unions with innovative technological offerings. Such capabilities are a high priority for today’s consumers, especially younger generations, who demand the convenience of instant, easy access. In most areas of their lives, users have grown accustomed to engaging, accessible interfaces and highly personalized interactions, and they expect nothing less from their financial partners. They want to make contactless payments, access information and move funds with a few taps or clicks, open new accounts, even originate loans on a mobile device – all with the assurance of rock-solid security and privacy.
It’s critical that credit unions deliver this high level of digital experience, and for that they need up-to-date, stable and reliable technology.
Given these high expectations, a software failure can be disastrous for a credit union and its members. Consider the case of VyStar Credit Union. Earlier this year, the Florida-based organization experienced major problems when an update to its online banking system failed. Members were completely locked out of the system for two weeks, and the mobile apps didn’t function properly for more than a month. The damage to VyStar’s reputation was immediate and severe. Members lost confidence in the credit union, so much so that some closed their accounts.
VyStar’s experience underscores the reality that technological glitches put credit unions at risk of alienating the members who trust them with their money.
Surprising Lack of Testing
When such high stakes are involved, it seems painfully obvious that software should be thoroughly tested before it’s implemented. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, according to a survey we conducted of 500 CEOs and product testers in the U.S. and the U.K. The Leapwork 2022 Risk Radar report revealed 85% of CEOs consider it acceptable to release software that isn’t fully tested, provided it can be patched later. As a result, as much as 40% of software goes to market without sufficient testing, according to eight out of 10 of the testers who participated in the survey.
There are numerous reasons why businesses prioritize speed over stability and release software that isn’t necessarily ready for prime time. Anxious to beat, or at least match, the competition, they pressure their software developers to rush products to market. The insurmountable volume of software that needs to be tested means that adding more manpower to the team won’t solve things.
Automation could expedite testing, but most organizations aren’t using it extensively or effectively. Just 43% of the testers surveyed said they routinely use some level of automation in testing, instead relying on manual testing for the majority of the work. But manual testing takes time and requires coding talent, making it a significant bottleneck. In fact, about four in 10 CEOs participating in the Leapwork Risk Radar survey said “reliance on manual testing” was a primary reason for insufficient pre-launch testing.
Additionally, most automated tools are not as automated as the name would suggest. Products that are described as “low-code” or even “no-code” usually demand at least some level of programming expertise. But testing and programming are entirely different skill sets, and most testers aren’t equipped to write code.
Patching is often the workaround. When buggy software winds up causing problems like those VyStar experienced, businesses rely on patches to resolve issues. In fact, more than half the testers polled said they devote five to 10 days a year to patching software that’s already been released. An after-the-fact solution doesn’t instill much confidence in users experiencing problems or fearing that they could be the next one to suffer a meltdown.
No-code and Testing Workloads
The only solution is to approach testing in an entirely different way, by breaking down the language barrier between humans and computers. A no-code test automation solution that adopts a visual language to automate testing using a powerful, flowchart model. This approach democratizes testing, enabling users with no programming expertise to test software on their own. It allows them to design, run and even maintain tests without coding.
By spreading the testing workload, organizations are able to test more apps more quickly and scale operations as needed. This frees up IT coders to handle higher-priority tasks. Automation also reduces both variability and the chance of human error, so product quality tends to be more consistent. Another plus: A no-code approach can improve functionality, since everyday business users have a strong understanding of how a tool should work.
Experience has shown that the use of a no-code automated platform can speed time to market by a factor of 10. This largely eliminates any need to release potentially buggy software that hasn’t been adequately tested.