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RecapioGPT is a free AI extension that summarizes Wikipedia pages, YouTube videos, and generates key sentences. With around 10,000 monthly visits, it provides a faster and easier way to summarize articles.



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There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken around the world, each with different sounds, structures, and vocabularies. This leads to the question of whether the language we speak shapes our way of thinking. The Kuuk Thaayorre language is unique in that it doesn't use words like "left" and "right"; instead, everything is oriented in terms of cardinal directions. Even saying "hello" in Kuuk Thaayorre involves asking "Which way are you going?" People who speak languages like this have been shown to be better at staying oriented. There are also differences in how people think about time; for example, English speakers may organize time from left to right, while those facing south may organize it from right to left.

Some languages don't have exact number words, such as "seven" or "eight." This means that speakers of those languages may have a different way of perceiving numbers, possibly relying more on estimates and generalizations. Another example of how language shapes our thinking is in the way that we categorize objects. In some languages, objects are categorized based on their shape, while in others, they may be categorized based on their use or material. These differences in categorization can affect the way that people think about the world around them.

The way that language shapes our thinking has important implications for communication and understanding between people of different cultures. It's important to recognize that different languages may lead to different ways of thinking about the world, and that these differences should be respected and valued. By understanding the role that language plays in shaping our perceptions and beliefs, we can better appreciate the diversity of human experience.


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Gather Together in My Name (1974) is a memoir by American writer and poet Maya Angelou.

The book begins immediately following the events described in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and follows Angelou, called Rita, from the ages of 17 to 19.

Angelou continues to discuss racism in Gather Together, but moves from speaking for all Black women to describing how one young woman dealt with it.

Like many of Angelou's autobiographies, Gather Together is concerned with Angelou's on-going self-education.

Gather Together was not as critically acclaimed as Angelou's first autobiography, but received mostly positive reviews and was recognized as being better written than its predecessor.

Gather Together in My Name, published in 1974, is Maya Angelou's second book in her series of seven autobiographies.

Critic Selwyn R. Cudjoe agrees: "The incidents in the book appear merely gathered together in the name of Maya Angelou" .

Angelou, still known as "Marguerite", or "Rita", has just given birth to her son Clyde, and is living with her mother and stepfather in San Francisco.

Beginning in Gather Together, motherhood and family issues are important themes throughout Angelou's autobiographies.

Critic Mary Jane Lupton states that "one gets a strong sense throughout Gather Together of [Rita's] dependence on her mother".

Angelou's relationship with her mother becomes more important in Gather Together and Vivian is now more influential in the development of Angelou's attitudes.

According to Glazier, Angelou's use of understatement, self-mockery, humor, and irony, readers of Gather Together and the rest of Angelou's autobiographies cause readers to wonder what she left out and unsure about how to respond to the events Angelou describes.

Angelou chooses to demonstrate Rita's narcissism in Gather Together by dropping the conventional forms of autobiography, which has a beginning, middle, and end.

In Caged Bird, despite trauma and parental rejection, Rita's world is relatively secure, but the adolescent young woman in Gather Together experiences the dissolution of her relationships many times.

Lauret agrees with other scholars that Angelou reconstructs the Black woman's image throughout her autobiographies, and that Angelou uses her many roles, incarnations, and identities in her books to "signify multiple layers of oppression and personal history".


Summarize Wikipedia Page


Alexandre Dumas was born in 1802 in Villers-Cotterêts, France to General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas and Marie-Louise Labouret. His father was of noble birth, born in Saint-Domingue (present-day Haiti) to a French nobleman and an African slave. General Dumas's aristocratic rank helped Alexandre secure work with Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orléans, and he began his career as a writer, which led to early success. Alexandre's surname was later changed to Dumas after his father, as the family name was never bestowed upon him. 

Alexandre Dumas participated in the Revolution of 1830, which ousted Charles X and replaced him with Louis-Philippe, the Citizen King. He rewrote one of his plays as a successful serial historical novel, Le Capitaine Paul ('Captain Paul'), partly based on the life of the Scottish-American naval officer John Paul Jones. Dumas was also a member of the Club des Hashischins, which met monthly to take hashish at a hotel in Paris. 

Despite being a prolific writer, researchers have continued to find Dumas's works in archives, including the five-act play The Gold Thieves, discovered in 2002 by scholar Réginald Hamel in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Frank Wild Reed, a New Zealand pharmacist, amassed the greatest collection of books and manuscripts relating to Dumas outside of France. Dumas wrote many plays and adapted several of his novels as dramas, including Adventures in Czarist Russia, or From Paris to Astrakhan. 

In his novels, Dumas portrayed characters from his own family, including François I, Henry II, and Marguerite and François II, sons of Henry II and Catherine de' Medici. After Dumas's death, there was controversy over where he should be buried, with villagers in his hometown of Villers-Cotterêts initially opposing his transfer to the mausoleum. However, his works have since been critically reappraised, leading to a new appreciation of his art and the discovery of lost works.


  • RecapioGPT uses artificial intelligence to analyze content.
  • It has an advanced natural language processing algorithm.
  • It supports multiple languages.
  • It integrates with Instapaper for saving summaries.
  • It provides advanced options for customizing summary output and sharing options with WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and more.

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  • Students can use RecapioGPT to summarize articles for their research.
  • Journalists can use it to quickly digest news articles and reports.
  • Content curators can use it to generate concise summaries of articles and videos.
  • Language learners can use it to translate and understand content in different languages.
  • Researchers can use it to quickly grasp the main points of academic papers and reports.
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