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These Lyrics Do Not Exist is an online service that uses AI to generate completely original lyrics for various topics. With the ability to choose the topic, genre, and mood, users can generate their own lyrics for free on the website.



Generate Lyrics


Verse 1

I know this is my life

I know you are mine all mine

I know just for today

How someone that small can change your whole life


You can live your life without him

Just remember you got everything you need in him


Yes for all my life this silly love will burn

This silly love will burn for you

I know you like to smile your best

In the circus of life

Verse 2

You planted the seed

And my life has been grow

Like a national tree

How many lives is life that my body can hold?


I look back at my life of moments

Sacrifice I thought I thought would always last


Yes for all my life this silly love will burn

This silly love will burn for you

I know you like to smile your best

In the circus of life


They say the good and bad life

There are many different choices


Yes for all my life this silly love will burn

This silly love will burn for you

I know you like to smile your best

In the circus of life


Song Topic: love


Verse 1

A freight trains always gotta love with time

A lot of little folks put off love for too long

A freight train of love

A freight train of love


You gave me the gift of love and took it away

Shot an arrow through my heart and left a hole where love once lived


He says I love you he says I love you too

He says I love you he says I love you too

You know you gotta move on

Some old love is never too old

Verse 2

Wanna have that beach house out in the sun

Wanna take a little weekend trip

Wanna win that love for you

Where is our love?


A freight train of love

A freight train of love


He says I love you he says I love you too

He says I love you he says I love you too

You know you gotta move on

Some old love is never too old


Any old love will do

I say we had too much time alone


He says I love you he says I love you too

He says I love you he says I love you too

You know you gotta move on

Some old love is never too old


Verse 1

But for now this is my way

Of saying how much I love you

I know that he always will love me

I know that he always will love you anyway


How soon can you fall in love, often times it depends

How far will you spread your wings, I fear


You came and you were talk

You came and you were love

You came and you were love

Is there still a love in your heart?

Verse 2

Holy as the sun, star shines above you

Holy as the sun, and we love you

We tried so hard, we held up that cage

Love will bring us through


But I think of perfect moments that I know are gone

I think of perfect love that I know is real


You came and you were talk

You came and you were love

You came and you were love

Is there still a love in your heart?


Last escape is a day in space

Lonely and dark as my love for you has been


You came and you were talk

You came and you were love

You came and you were love

Is there still a love in your heart?


  • The service generates completely original lyrics with the help of AI.
  • It offers customization options for your lyrics - you can choose the lyric topic, genre, and mood.
  • The interface is easy-to-use.
  • There's a distinct stylistic and emotional variation in the lyrics it generates.
  • It also has an option where you can share the tool on other websites.

Perfect for

  • Songwriters will find it useful.
  • Musicians can benefit from it.
  • Content creators might use it for their work.
  • Lyric enthusiasts will enjoy it.
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